Do you find yourself asking friends and family, “What’s New?” I’m dying for someone to have something new to report. When I get asked what’s new with me, all I can say is usually “Nothing” but as of today I can say, “I got the March/April issue to the printer on time even though we had a major computer crash that caused us to be down a computer for a few weeks.” That’s the big news here. Yep, and that’s about all I got.
We have all fallen into the COVID rut where an exciting day is one that you get to go do the grocery shopping. No kidding. I hadn’t left the property in over a week, so I did a ride-along with my husband to the grocery store just for a change of scenery. I used the excuse that he didn’t get the right kind of granola, so I had better go and show him what I wanted. Pitiful but it did give me the little break I was craving.
This past weekend we loaded up the COVID Capsule, aka the Airstream, and took the 40-mile journey to the coast with the poodles for Valentine’s Day weekend. It rained most of the time, but we managed to get some nice walks on the beach and the poodles loved it. I got a little stitching time in and came home refreshed and ready to start the May/June issue.
Hopefully in a few weeks the arrival of the March/April issue in your mailboxes will be a highlight in your day. The theme is spring and Easter so there are bunnies and flowers galore! It made me happy working on the issue, so I hope it brightens your day, too.
I’ve heard from several of you that you either just got, or still haven’t gotten, your January/February issue. The post office is still struggling to catch up from the holidays and the increase in mail orders, so the magazine delivery has slowed to a snail’s pace. If you have not received your magazine by the last day of the odd month, call the office and we will send out a replacement copy right away. The phone number is (541) 935-0238. Please don’t rely on Facebook Messenger to communicate with us. When I’m trying to make a print deadline, I spend little to no time on Facebook.
Happy stitching and I hope each of you gets a little break from the COVID rut. I highly recommend a trip to the grocery store.