Sunny Sunflower
by Kam Wenzloff
1″ thick Styrofoam at least 10″ x 10″
14 – Dritz #182 Glass head pins: Size 20 – 1 1/4″ – use only the black head pins
14 Dritz #79 Color ball pins: Size 17 – 1 1/16″ – use only the yellow head pins
14 Dritz #61 Extra Fine Glass head pins: Size 22 – 1 3/8″ – white head pins
Tacky Glue ( not shown )
1 – 16″ – 18″ length of #18 guage florist wire ( not shown )
Step 1:

Draw 4 1/4″ and 2 1/2″ circles onto the 1″ styrofoam. Using a knife, cut around the large circle and trim to 3/4″ thick.
You will have two circles measuring 4 1/4″ x 3/4″ and a 2 1/4″ x 3/8″ thick. The circles are the base for the Sunflower.
Step 2

Center the small styrofoam circles on top of the large styrofoam circle, Using Tacky glue, glue the small circle to the larger circle. You could use a few flat head straight pins to secure.
Step 3
Note: The upper and lower case letters for the Sunflower patterns are found in the magazine next to each stitch name.
Following the pattern, arrange the large petals on the large styrofoam base and attach with the #61 extra fine glass head pins as shown. Use two pins per petal and make sure the pins slant toward the center of the Sunflower.
Step 4

Following the pattern, arrange the small petals on the small styrofoam base and attach with #79 Color ball pins, but only use the yellow head pins. Use two pins per petal and make sure pins slant toward the center of the Sunflower.
Step 5

Attach the Sunflower center to the middle of the sunflower using the #182 Glass head pins. Randomly scatter the pins in the center, only using the black head pins.
Step 6

Using the 16″ or 18″ length of #18-guage wire, insert it horizontally through the large base, so that you have an equal amount of wire on either side of the bottom circle. This will allow you to attach your Sunflower to the wreath by folding the wire around the wreath base and twisting on the backside of the wreath. If you would rather hang your Sunflower attach a triangle picture hanger by gluing on the backside.